
Fade In

I started writing The Naked Winemaker during the spring of 2021.

I finished my last project in the fall of 2020. That one started off called “Why we Left” then “The Lady Warrior of Dundalk” and finally, “The Betrayal”.

I was happy with the play and there are some things that could be fixed one day when I get money or an overwhelming desire to revisit it.

This was tough one to finish. The characters became so real to me, I didn’t want to say goodbye. It was almost like a break up.

I remember talking to one of my Wall of Fame members, Jeff Williams about not wanting to kill this one character off. And he was like, “What are you worried about that for? He’ll come back to life at 7 o’clock the following night.”

Truer words have never been spoken.

So, I needed some space between that play and my next script.

I knew I wanted to finally write a screenplay that I would shoot myself.

I knew it would be set in 1 location. And, actors, they would probably be ones I’ve worked with before during readings my various projects at “The Playground Experiment.”

But what…

Or has it just begun …

Took about a year and a half, but the script is finally done! A tremendous thanks to Mike Lesser and The Playground Experiment for all the Play Dates and the times work in progress scenes of this were read at the various volumes!

Mike has been a good and supportive friend since I met him. Watching him build The Playground from the idea for a writer’s group to the amazing theater company it is today has been amazing. Mike shows you what’s possible when you dream and spend every day working on your dream. We can all learn from him.

Thank you Mike and everyone at The PGE!

This time tomorrow night, I’ll be wrapping up the first full reading of this lump of story. I like where the script is. I know I have some reworking to do but I like it.

Let’s see what happens.